Saturday, April 30, 2011

This is a test!

Hey y'all, I'm trying this new mobile blogger thingamajig and am just trying to see how it all works. Thanks for putting up with me!

Oh I do love a good buffet!

One thing Davis does have is a mighty fine Indian buffet. And sushi buffet, but that's for another post. Yesterday was turning out to be a lovely day, and I went and met up with Alex and Cat to partake in the deliciousness of Kathmandu Kitchen all you can eat lunch buffet. It was delicious.
Though, I must say, Indian food is incredibly delicious, but it really doesn't photograph well, does it? But oh, that naan! The korma! The fried chicken thing! So wonderful. And pigging out at a buffet with friends? Even better!

Friday, April 29, 2011

I thought this was really cute

Thanks to Naomi over at The Rockstar Diaries for this one. I decided to read all her archives one day and stumbled upon's so cute!

Also found these too.
I love the old school Disney and these are so great. I've been listening all morning.

P.S. Tonight I'm heading over to my friend Jenny's for a Royal Wedding viewing party! expect some pictures this weekend! And, yay wedding!

Monday, April 25, 2011

I was made for dancing

This weekend was a pretty good one. There was good food, good company, dancing, and some cuddles with a really cute kitten.

After my hair dying adventure on Friday, Saturday was spent with family for Easter. There was way too much good food. Seriously, the people in my family can cook! I also got to participate in an Easter egg hunt for all us 'big' kids (ages 21+), where instead of our eggs being filled with candy, they were filled with lotto tickets. Sadly, I did not win anything. But it was still a lot of fun. My mom also gave me a pretty sweet Easter basket with a gift card to Trader Joe's! Ya'll know how much I love me some Trader Joe's. It was put to good use yesterday when I seriously stocked up on groceries. 

One of the best things that happened at the Easter party was my Uncle Scott gave me these amazing old vinyl albums.
 We had been chatting about vinyl for a little while and he brought out his collection, then let me pick two. I was so incredibly shocked and surprised and grateful. I really love vinyl and I have a tiny collection that I'm working on making larger. Adding these two was just wonderful. Especially because I love, love, love both of them. Rumours is one of my all time favorite albums that I can listen to over and over and My Fair Lady is a musical I grew up watching and love. Thank you soooo much Scott!

Saturday night was the night for dancing with Miranda. And boy oh boy did I have a fabulous time.
We went to Social in downtown Sacramento and danced out little behinds off. I even had to change shoes because me feet kind of started to hurt. But it was wonderful and the DJ was AMAZING. And my ears were definitely still ringing for a long time after we left. And my legs were sore all day yesterday. But it was so worth it.

Although I could do without the creepers at the club. I don't know about you, but I go to nightclubs to dance, not meet people because it is way too loud and I really have no desire to find someone at a nightclub. Cause that's silly. Also, I hate hate hate it when a guy comes up behind me and tries to dance with me. I'm not into bumping and grinding. It's boring. So if I stop dancing and walk away, it means I do not want to dance with you. Get it? There were some fun guys that would just come up and dance next to me and Miranda, and that was totally cool. They didn't try anything and were obviously just there to have some fun.


In other news, my blog is up to 1,000 views! Exciting, right? I'm currently unhappy with the look and design of the blog, so I'm researching blog designers to see about fixing it and making it way cuter. I appreciate any tips, tricks, or advice you might have, too! Email me at

Also, I really like comments, so if you like what you read or have questions or criticism, please comment on the blog. It's sad because I have so few and I want to hear what everybody thinks!

Linky Links

I wanted to share some of the blogs and such that I am constantly reading and getting all kinds of inspiration from. Since I'm such a newbie to this, these people give me ideas or just entertain me in so many wonderful ways. Hope you like them too!

The Rockstar Diaries
Nat the Fat Rat
Bleubird Vintage
Betches Love This Site
Cupcakes and Cashmere
Sally Jane Vintage

Happy Monday folks! Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

Friday, April 22, 2011

So this happened today.

Today, I was standing in the card aisle at the Target, minding my own business, when the haircare aisle (which is right close by) starting calling to me. What was I to do? So I wandering on over there and stood for a moment. Then I realized that it was time to dye my hair. I bought some hair dye, came home and stared at the little green box sitting on the bathroom counter. And then I did it.

I case you were wondering, this is the color that my hair was:
I haven't dyed it since September, and I think this is the closest it has been to natural in a very long time. Maybe a little darker/redder, but still pretty natural.

This is me now:

Yeah. It's burgundy. And I kind of love it. I know they say you're supposed to go lighter in the spring and summer, but I decided forget they! I will go darker!! And more purple!

So here's to my purply hair!
Do you like? Thoughts please!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Frustration with a capital F

Yesterday was just a frustrating day. Like, nothing seemed to go as smoothly as planned and I just could not shake my awful, sad, frustrated, angry mood no matter what I did.

Work was just....awful. Horrible. Stressful. I've been a nanny for a long time and I have had some incredibly wonderful kids that I grew to love, even when they had their bad days with tantrums and such. But most of the time they were pleasures to be around and take care of. But not this time. I have never in my nearly eight years as a babysitter/nanny had a child who is so disrespectful, rude, and snotty. Yesterday was just incredibly bad. And I cried after bedtime because I was just so frustrated, which never happens. The last time work made me cry was 2005. I can't wait for this job to be over in five weeks. Sometimes I feel like counting down the days, but that might make it feel longer? Or something? I don't know.

Then there's my whole apartment situation. I need someone to take over my room from June until September and so far, no one is biting. I've been posting ads for a couple of weeks now and have been receiving nothing but spam emails in response. Seriously people, take my room! $500 per month (June will be prorated!), own bathroom, no deposit, gym, pool, what more could you ask for? Someone please take my room!

All I know right now is that I am so done. I am so ready to leave Davis and not come back for a long, long, long time. I don't even care that I'll be living in my dad's house (he's pretty cool), in a tiny bedroom that doesn't have a real closet. Because: I won't be paying rent, I'll be working a job (hopefully) that pays more, I'll have my friends, my family, San Francisco, and the ocean. I've complained about Marin in the past, but it still is home. I've lived there since I was eleven years old and even though it's kind of expensive and has bad traffic, it's home.

On the plus side, a couple of things made yesterday a smidge better: I officially started packing up my stuff. More will be done tomorrow, and I'm really excited. Also, I cleaned out my closet, which felt really good and ended up getting rid of a lot of stuff. Watch out friends, Mallory has lots of goodies for you to pick through! Then yesterday, when I got home from my awful day of work, this was waiting for me. I can't wait to read it!

So maybe things will get easier in these last few weeks in Davis. I hope. I try to "see the light at the end of the tunnel" whenever I get really frustrated, try to breath and realize that this will be over soon. And when that doesn't work, I go get a chocolate croissant and pretend I'm in Paris, which is only eight (!) months away.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Well sometimes we're just silly

First: I'm now on Bloglovin'!
Follow my blog with bloglovin

And now, back to your regularly scheduled blogging.

Oh weekend. How I love you. Especially when you come with lots of sunshine and good times with some pretty awesome people.

Friday night I had a little movie night with Sasha. We watched Morning Glory, which was a really, really cute movie, I have to say.  And it confirmed my love if Rachel McAdams. She's awesome.
Saturday Sasha and I took her cute little Maltese, Bella, out for a stroll around downtown San Anselmo. It was an incredibly gorgeous day and Bella was very popular, seeing as she's pretty much the most adorable dog ever.

 Pretty cute, am I right or am I right?

We enjoyed the pretty day, shopped a little at this really great consignment store, where Sasha got this gorgeous yellow and brown dress and I got the polka dot skirt I've been looking for. So you know I enjoyed myself.

Saturday night I went over to Jenny's awesome new apartment. Seriously dudes, I am envious of her apartments. It's like all grown up and stuff. When did we start becoming grown ups? Weird.

Anyhoo, we had some dinner and danced around to Britney Spears and got very silly. Pictures were taken. I'll let them speak for themselves. Yeah...


Not very lady like, Jenny!

Jenny and her boyfriend Matt, being cute
As you can see, things get silly real quick around here...and somehow Jessica ended up cutting both Amy's (pictured) and Jenny's hair. Random, I know. We laughed a lot, talked about the most randomest of random things, stayed up too late, and giggled quite a bit. Oh and danced, of course. I might even have some very funny pictures of some people dancing...hee hee. But it was a good night, I believe.

Sunday I was such a lazy bum, it was kind of ridiculous. But you know, sometimes that happens. But my very wonderful daddy go me this gorgeous antique perfume bottle:

I love it. Birds, you know. 

Oh and are you watching Game of Thrones? Because you really should be. It's, like, all kinds of awesome. 

Today I'm back in Davis and not very happy about it, as usual. I'm just really ready to not live here anymore. Like I said before, every time I go home, it gets harder to come back here. The only thing I have here is my job, which I don't even like very much. So today I'm a little out of sorts and frustrated, but trying not to let it get to me. But it's hard today. Hmph. Maybe a snuggle with the kitten and a cupcake would make me feel better. Yes. That sounds perfect.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A really pleasant surprise

I feel like I'm having all these good days lately, which is pretty freakin' awesome if I do say so myself.

Today I drove home to Marin and ran a few errands when I go here, which included a stop at the Goodwill. And I got two sweet dresses (!) and a denim jacket (they're all the rage, don't ya know) for like $17. That's right, seventeen dollars. And one of the dresses I totally tried on at a regular store and it was like fifty bucks or something ridiculous like that.

Then later today, I was just going out to the garage to take my laundry out of the dryer, when there it was. A package. For me! And it was pink! Turns out it was my first graduation gift from my grandparents all the way in Texas! See:

There was also this REALLY pretty journal, which if you now me and my bird and flower obsession (see tattoos for confirmation), is pretty much perfect. And I was just thinking the other day I needed a new journal, since I've been taking notes while I read and need a place to write down ideas for zee blog. So I kind of love it. 

There was also a nicely sized check included and it is going directly into my Paris fund, which is looking weak as of right now. I mean, I've got a ticket, now I just need the spending money and this was a little step in that direction. So I kinda hope I get some more graduation gifts just like this one. You know, for Paris. PARIS!

So yeah, today had some really pleasant surprises and I just wanted to share...or brag a little. Same thing, right?

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today I slept in and had a good morning cuddle with this lovely lady:
She's the very best, my baby girl. She really is.

Today I danced around my room to The Sounds Pandora station. Dude, it is all kinds of fabulousness. Seriously. Oh and I discovered Ladyhawke. Awesome? Yes. Especially this one.

Today I had a reunion with the elliptical machine. It was quite magical. 

Today I watched a lot of Everyday Italian. It made me very hungry.

Today I caught up with some of my very favorite blogs, Nat the Fat Rat and Bleubird Vintage.

Today I made this really red and fruity smoothie. And it looked like this:
pretty, right?
And this is what I looked like while enjoying said smoothie:
Ignore my lack of make-up please.
Today I also ate a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich. Okay two. And a half. Is there anything else in this world that is as utterly delicious as Nutella?  

I will not post a picture of me eating the sandwich. Because that is just plain silly. And embarrassing.

 Today I went to work with a positive attitude. It payed off. That and we went to In n' Out. And an In n' Out burger and shake kind of make everything all better. Then I came home to the disk of Dexter (season 4).

Today was a good day. Tomorrow will be even better! (Because I get to go back to Marin)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A hike in the Headlands

Saturday afternoon was hiking afternoon. And I love a good hike. I'm not particularly fond of super dangerous, rigorous, requires all kinds of materials hike; I'm more of a long, scenic height that allows for good conversation with friends, beautiful scenery, and gets me tired by the end. And there are lots of those in Marin. Davis, not so much what with it being flat, flat, flat. And I really miss not being able to go on hikes more often because I find them very relaxing and a way to clear my mind when anything is bothering me. Something about being in the nature and all. It's cliche, but whatever. It's also true.

So Saturday was the day. I went with Sasha and some of her friends for a hike in the Marin Headlands, right next to the Golden Gate Bridge. And it was gorgeous. Seriously, look at this:
It was an incredibly beautiful, sunny, and very windy day. Here are some more pictures from a lovely afternoon.

Me and Sasha

Everyone: Henry, Sarah, Sasha, me, Darren

Days like Saturday remind of how beautiful Marin and San Francisco are and how much I love them and am proud to say that's where I'm from. It also makes me really, really excited to move home in June. I swear, every time I go home for the weekend, it gets harder and harder to return to Davis when it's over. So I'm just sort of counting down until I get to go home. Because even though I've lived in Davis for a year and a half, it has never felt entirely like home. But I'll be back there soon, so I always have that to look forward to.

P.S. I have not been able to stop listening to The Sounds ever since the concert on Thursday. Their new album, Something to Die For, is all kinds of awesome, especially this song. Go get it. You won't regret it!

Maybe I can actually make something...

Since I have all this free time these days, I'm really trying to put it to good know being productive and all. So far I've been cooking more and trying new recipes, which has been so much fun as well as incredibly delicious, but cooking can't be done all day every day. That would just kind of end up being a waste of food, right? So now I've decided that I need to get crafty with it. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I, Mallory, with craft and project ADD, have decided to take up knitting. And sewing. But knitting first, then on to sewing later, once I get a sewing machine. And this will not be like the other times I tried to get crafty, when things like school got in the way. No. I will start projects and I will finish them. No ifs, ands, or buts. And I mean it.

In order for me to take up the fine art of knitting, I needed some instruction. So, I turned to the closest, and one of the only knitting experts I know, Amelia. Friday we met up at a cafe in San Rafael, she gave me some spare yarn and a set of needles and taught me casting on, a basic knit stitch, and a purl stitch. It was slow going and a little frustrating for me, but I think I got the (very) basic hang of it, just to get me started. We went to this lovely yarn store in Sausalito, Bluebird Yarn, where I purchased a fine set of bamboo knitting needles and a couple of skeins of yarn (the cheapest, because I know I'm going to be messing up a lot in the coming weeks) and now I'm all set to begin being this new, craftier version of me.

Oh, I also picked up a copy of Stitch N' Bitch, to help me because Amelia is not always around. I started reading it last night and I'm kind of getting excited to start learning and making things.

Here's all I got so far:
It's not a lot. Like at all. But I'm still really proud of myself. Starting something and seeing it take form and eventually get completed is so incredibly satisfying and makes me feel like maybe I can actually make something and I'm not entirely incapable of doing anything. Except writing art history papers. I've always known I'm really good at that. But making something crafty is entirely different. I'm going to keep practicing and maybe, one day, many years from now, I will be able to knit cool things for people. Is it strange that this is something I really aspire to? Like, I can't tell you how excited I am to hopefully get good enough to knit a blanket...ooooh or a sweater! Oh, this is about to get real exciting!

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Sounds- a concert

Last night Sasha and I journeyed into San Francisco for a concert. It was The Sounds. I discovered The Sounds a few years ago and I have all their albums and I've been DYING to see them live for so long. But it never works out, either I don't find out about a show until it's over or they aren't coming anywhere near me for awhile. Not this time. I finally got to and I was so excited and it was so amazing.

Yes, I know my pictures aren't great...I was too busy dancing to care about taking a great picture
You know how sometimes when you go see a band or a singer live and they don't sound the same or they sounds really bad? Not The Sounds. They sounded great live and they put on one hell of a show. The lead singer, Maja Iversson, is one of those singers that swaggers around the stage with all this attitude and I love it. She's really fun to watch. And I think I have a crush on the guitar player, Felix Rodriguez.

Images via google
Isn't he dreamy in that hipster-euro boy way? How I love a cute hipster-euro boy! Plus he's and awesome guitar player. Yes, I am aware I have strange taste in men. I love 'em tall, skinny, dark haired and if they're European, well that's just fantastic. (The Sounds are a Swedish band, btw)
There were only a few drawbacks: the venue (Rickshaw Stop) was definitely too small. Don't get me wrong, it's a really cool venue, but I don't think that whoever planned the tour realized how many fans The Sounds have in San Francisco because the place was packed beyond capacity. Also, before the show started, Sasha and I were near the stage and when the band took the stage, everyone just started crushing in and spilling drinks all over us, which was just annoying. I just wanted to dance and being near the stage obviously wasn't working. I understand that people want to get close, but being violent is not cool. Maja even kept making sure the people in front calmed down so no one would get hurt. So Sasha and I moved a little farther back, and we were able to dance our little hearts out. The last thing was that there was a smoke/fog machine going above the stage and at times, I couldn't even see the band, which wasn't so great, because I came to see the band. And I couldn't.

But like I said I got to dance and get all hot and sweaty to my favorite song:
All in all, it was sooo much fun and I am so happy I finally got to see The Sounds live, it was totally worth it and I will definitely be seeing them again.

P.S. after we left SF, Sasha and I were starving, so guess where we went? The only place in Marin open past 1am, Denny's. We ate some fries and buffalo wings and they were delicious. The perfect end to a great night!