Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas in Paris

I know I said I was taking a break, but I just had to post about this. Because this is a big freaking deal (at least to me). So I 'm going to France (Paris) for Christmas. And I'm so happy my face hurts from smiling.

But first: a back story.

I don't know exactly when I became obsessed with France and French culture/art/history/food. I think I have to give my Grandma Jeanne some credit because we always used to watch A&E documentaries about art ("Breakfast with the Arts" anyone?), and I always remembered the French Impressionists. I still, even years later, after studying more art than I thought humanly possible, find my breath taken away by Water Lillies by Monet or The Ballet Rehearsal by Edgar Degas. I definitely think these created this romantic, artistic version of Paris that I carried around with me for years.

Then, freshman year of high school, I finally saw the movie the cemented my love for Paris and all things French: Amelie. Cliche, maybe. But I LOVED that movie. I saw it 4 times while it was in theaters and then bought it on DVD and the soundtrack (Yann Tiersen is AMAZING and this song is my favorite). Since then, I love just about any movie set in France or in French. Even if maybe it's not that good, I'll watch it, just to hear the language.

I majored in art history in college, and I studied a lot of French art and architecture, and despite practically drowning in it, I still love it. I want to learn everything and anything relating to this history of culture that country. I mean, really, it's SO fascinating. And I have always dreamed of living day, right?

I got to go to France in high school, when I was fifteen. It was, and still is, probably my favorite trip I have ever taken. I was nervous because, what if it didn't live up to my expectations? Oh, but it did. It really did (The food! The art! The gardens!). I never wanted to leave and was sad when it was time to go home.

But, now, I'm going back. Finally, 8 years later. Tomorrow, to be exact. And I am so excited words cannot even describe it. This trip was a college graduation gift from my mom (the tickets) and it might be the best gift ever. Because not only is a trip to Paris, but I get to bring one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world: Jenny. She's just as obsessed with France as I am and I couldn't imagine a better person to take this trip with. We are going to eat lots of good food, check out some museums, and just wander the city we both love so much.

Even though it's Christmas, and we won't be spending it with out families, I have to say I think Christmas in Paris is pretty dang awesome. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas or Joyeux Noël!

Au revoir les amis, je vous verrai dans le Nouvel Année! 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Little Note..

I've not blogged in almost a month. Wow. See, I really do like blogging but I've just been too busy actually living life to blog about it. There was my birthday last month, then Thanksgiving, and now Christmas and my trip to Paris are fast approaching. Between work and having a social life, blogging has taken a backseat...well more like it's in the trunk. I'm not going to stop blogging; I will start again, after the New Year. I'm going to think about what I want the blog to be, possibly even giving it a new name and look, because I'm not totally happy with it. So, peace out for now friends, I'm off to enjoy life!