I've been watching LOTS of bad TV. And eating Jell-O, broth, soft noodles, and pudding. Sleeping. Real exciting guys. But the teeth are out, and after the recovery pain is over, I won't have a sore jaw (for the last 4 months those stupid teeth have been hurting). And I'm really glad about that. I'm also really thankful for my dad, who is taking really good care of me; getting me fresh ice packs, cooking for me, letting me stay at his house and watch his TV. He's a good one.
Also this one:
Since I've been at my dad's, she will not leave me alone. Cuddling all the time. Although, I can't say I'm unhappy. I love cuddling with mah baby!
Anyway, that's all that's going on around here. I'm going to brave some last minute holiday shopping tomorrow, so hopefully my face will be a little better. Other than that, keeping things low key for Christmas.
Happy Holidays everyone!