Monday, April 22, 2013

Another One

So...on Thursday I went out with my friend Sarah. And as we sat on a bar patio, sipping whiskey and Cokes, we decided to get tattoos.

Flash to 15 minutes later we were at a tattoo shop in the Haight (at 11pm) and it happened.

Why yes, that is the symbol of the Deathly Hallows from Harry Potter. I  always said I was a fan ;) and now it's permanently a part of me.

Sarah's says "Not all those who wander are lost", which if you know her (and how awesome she is) fits her so perfect, it's insane she didn't get it sooner.

So now my tattoo count is up to five, six if you count the one covered up...and I'm not stopping anytime soon.

P.S. I did my first photo shoot as a hairstylist yesterday, it was amazing! I'll post some pics when I can. In the meantime, check out a few shots here.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Life Lately

I said I was gonna update...and I didn't. Surprise surprise. BUT. I wanted to, for reals. So baby steps maybe? I browsed my own archives (narcissistic much?) and discovered this post, so I'm going to get back into that as well, because it works with my current schedule. Might include more beauty/fashion stuff since that is my career path...

Quick updates: Started a new nanny job that I love, love, love. Great girls and we have so much fun together.

Moved up in school: I have 900 hours! Halfway there and I can feel it. I'm starting to feel like maybe I know what I'm doing?

Dating: nonexistent, but trying. Ugh, lets not go there shall we?

I'm gonna be real original and do a photo dump, but this is my life lately:

I learned how to wax nostrils in school. It's not as gross as it sounds. Actually it is.
I've pondered veganism, and have gone (mostly) vegetarian, easing up on the dairy as well
I got a new tattoo
Here it is, in all it's bloody glory. I love it so hard.
I saw Lady Gaga. Amazing. Next up: Marina and the Diamonds, Mumford and Sons, and Taylor Swift
Creepy bag of doll heads at beauty school. 
Coloring Easter eggs at school, so productive I know.
Adventures on public transit to visit awesome friends
Such is life lately. I've decided to set aside time for blogging on my off days, so I can get back to it. Because I DO miss it. I recently got this book and I'm thinking, in addition to posting the random stuff, I will post what I write in this book. Just to have a place to put it...for others to read it...and tell me I'm terrible and such. We'll see.

2013: the year I get back to blogging! Let's do this!

Friday, December 21, 2012

This is what I look like right now (and Happy Holidays!)

I had my wisdom teeth out yesterday. And this is what I've looked like since. The doctor told me to use a hoodie to hold baggies filled with frozen peas to the sides of my face, so that is what I've been doing. Although the swelling has gone down and I can feel my face again, so that's good. But I'm still a little chipmunk looking.

I've been watching LOTS of bad TV. And eating Jell-O, broth, soft noodles, and pudding. Sleeping. Real exciting guys. But the teeth are out, and after the recovery pain is over, I won't have a sore jaw (for the last 4 months those stupid teeth have been hurting). And I'm really glad about that. I'm also really thankful for my dad, who is taking really good care of me; getting me fresh ice packs, cooking for me, letting me stay at his house and watch his TV. He's a good one.

Also this one:
Since I've been at my dad's, she will not leave me alone. Cuddling all the time. Although, I can't say I'm unhappy. I love cuddling with mah baby!

Anyway, that's all that's going on around here. I'm going to brave some last minute holiday shopping tomorrow, so hopefully my face will be a little better. Other than that, keeping things low key for Christmas.
Happy Holidays everyone!


A few months ago, when my mom was here for Mother's Day (yes, I know that was a long ass time ago), we went to the De Young Museum to check out the Jean-Paul Gaultier exhibit. I think it was one of the absolute best exhibits I have ever seen, probably tied with the Musee D'Orsday exhibit they did back in 2010. His clothes are just breathtaking, especially up close. Very edgy and provocative (the entire S&M room people!); he is just so original, literally unlike anything I have ever seen. I would DIE to wear something designed by him. DIE. I ended up getting a museum membership and going back to see the exhibit about 3 more times. And each time it was just as good.

The De Young has been killing it with the exhibits of the last few years, especially the fashion ones (Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga), and just about everything else. I hope they have another fashion exhibit soon. Maybe Doir? Or Chanel? (A girl can dream)

They currently have a Rudolf Nureyev exhibit right now, and it is so, so well done. No pictures were allowed, but it is highly worth the visit. Such beautiful ballet costumes and amazing footage of him dancing. 

And now, crappy pictures! (sorry)

They actually had these cool projectors that played faces across some of the mannequins, and they spoke, which was both cool and creepy. I don't know if you can see that in my photos, but it was so awesome!

That's all the pics I've deemed uploadable! I need to figure out a new way to format, as Photobucket changed and I don't like it as much bear with me.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Well. Someone has not updated her blog in almost 6 months. And lots of things have happened!

I started beauty school. I quit my Marin nanny job. I moved to San Francisco. I started a new nanny job. I'm exhausted all the time but I'm so, so much happier.

As dorky as it sounds, I kinda feel like I found my calling? I'm not saying beauty school is easy or that I'm fantastic at everything. But. I'm way better than I thought I would be. And I'm having fun. Yes, the 10 hour days are incredibly draining; both mentally and physically, but I'm always happy to be there. And even when I'm challenged (like with perms), I actually WANT to overcome that challenge and be better. Because playing with hair is fun.

I'm not an artist, at all. Really, I'm terrible and I know, I had to take plenty of art classes as an art history major.

But damn, I can cut a long layer, bang out a round brush hard set, and color hair pretty freakin' good. And that makes me feel good. I'm so happy to finally found something that I'm passionate about and excited about. I want to start blogging again, because I miss it, so I'm going to try, really, really try this time. Because I'm ready for some adventures and I hope you are too.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Dad making a silly(grumpy) face at my graduation party

Happy Father's Day, Padre. I sure do love you! (Even if you are kinda stinky)

Monday, June 4, 2012


image via
I have some news that I am pretty excited about...the picture is a hint...

I've been working at my current job, a book publicist and designer, for about almost a year now. I made a one year minimum commitment, so I've been waiting to start looking for a new job. But as August gets closer (also, how is it June already? Yeesh), I've been looking on Craigslist and polishing up my resume, applying to a few jobs that seemed interesting.

Here was the problem. I do not want to work in an office. The thing is, I don't hate my job. It's not terrible and it's paying the bills. But I am not happy. And oddly, I don't even hate office work. But the idea of doing this for years makes me want to throw up. And since most of the jobs out there that I am qualified for are office assistant/admin/receptionist stuff, I knew that it wasn't going to work.

Grad school is pretty much out of the question for me. A part of me wants a PhD. in art history, but I don't have 3-5 years to do it, don't want to rack up (at least) $50k in debt, and job prospects in the field are slim. I am always going to love art, history, and literature, but it will be something I will do/pursue/whatever in my spare time and for fun. I think if I actually went to grad school I would start to hate it and I really don't want that.

So what am I going to do? I've been sort of afraid to tell people my plan because I feel like it's something no one has expected me to do or looks down on or thinks I can't do, but I'm doing it anyway.

I'm applying to the Aveda Institute in San Francisco. I have always loved doing hair, nails, and makeup, so why not make a career out of it? I know it's going to be hard work, but I'm willing to do it because it is something I enjoy. I had a tour of the school on Friday and met with an admissions coordinator, and it was just wonderful. I can't even put into words how happy I was.

That's the news people! I've put in notice that I will be done with work September 1st and starting Aveda (hopefully) September 25th. I'm really excited (and nervous!) for what's going to happen next!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to the best mom ever! I seriously don't know what I would do without you. I love you!