I have some ideas. For this blog that is. I want to get back to doing more posts per week, but for awhile I've been having a hard time thinking up some good content. I think my work updates aren't the best for content and I do have other interests. Seriously, I do.
I recently discovered Kaelah Bee and her adorable and awesome blog, little chief honeybee, and she had a great post about some blog dos and don'ts that has offered me some ideas, mainly the idea of a blog schedule. What do you think of that? I would have certain days of the week dedicated to a certain type of post, maybe about music, books, fashion, cooking, etc, in addition to the random, personal, activities/photos, and silly posts, of course.
So here's what I'm thinking, friends.
Three or four scheduled days a week:
Monday: books (both old and new, favorites, read and unread)
Wednesday: cooking/new recipe ideas
Friday: music (both new and old, indie and mainstream, favorites)
Weekend (optional): fashion related post (new trends, inspiration, stuff I love)
And maybe, if I can get my act together, outfit posts. I've been holding off on that until I knew I could get good pictures, but right now I do have a great camera and a tripod, so maybe it'll happen. Just don't get mad if it doesn't!
What do ya think? I'm going to try and start this week, but I'm also starting my new job (today was my first day), so I might wait until next week. What I'm hoping by doing this is to hold myself accountable to providing good, interesting, original (more or less) content and not just stop updating because I don't have anything to say. I usually do, and this is the place to do it. Plus I'm kind of missing the idea of homework, which this would be...but fun!
I would love to hear any ideas y'all have, but otherwise, I hope you'll enjoy the more organized blog! Happy reading!
P.S. I joined Pinterest. Have you? Because it's awesome. We should be friends! Click here to follow me.
great idea! do it!