Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Job? YES

I have started my new job and I think I love it. I've only done half days this week, but it's been awesome and I can't wait to start full time on Monday.

I like having something to do all day. I like learning new things. I like getting to meet and talk to some very interesting and eccentric people. So far I've been doing lots of publicity things, setting up radio interviews and sending press materials out, but I have my first manuscript to go through and edit/comment as we begin the publishing process. It's really exciting! I'm helping produce a book, people, for realsies. And it's about yoga, which is right up my alley and I feel like I have a lot to say about it and, you know, stuff.

But things are going really great. I like that I'm going to be busy, have guaranteed hours, have finished products to be proud of...just everything. Blogging may be less frequent, as you can see I haven't in a week, partially due to housesitting without my computer, partially due to the new job, but I want to continue as best I can.

So for now, life is good. And I'm really excited for what's to come.


  1. yay for new jobs! I am on the hunt for one as well. You have a very cute blog :) happy I found it. Your followers aren't showing up right now (lame blogger) so I will follow up at the top left!

  2. Thanks! Your blog is great and I'll definitely be following yours!
