Monday, April 30, 2012

It's Monday

How was your weekend? Mine was pretty laid back...some babysitting, some farmer's market-ing with Jenny, cleaning my room, which I am embarrassed to say was so totally necessary, eep it was bad. But now it's all gorgeous with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and clean white sheets. Sigh.
 In other important news, I'm on a coffee strike. I have no idea what has prompted this strike, all I know is it felt really necessary. So this morning I had Yerba Mate tea instead of coffee. And now I have a caffeine headache. So fun. But seriously, maybe this is good? Getting off the coffee? Who knows. I might become weak and run right back to those sweet sweet beans of energy.

Other items of little or no interest to you (but definitely of interest to me):

- I recently purchased this dress (in the Mink color). I am dying to wear it to...something, somewhere. It's cute, it's springy and I love it.

- Now all I need are these shoes and I'm good to go.

- I also think I need these shoes as well, because, um look at them. They are fabulous.

- I am going to see this band play on Friday. And I. Cannot. Wait. It is going to be soooo awesome.

That's Monday folks, and all I got for ya. I know it was terrible fascinating and you were on the edge of your seat, right?

I'm going to leave you with this totally awesome song, which I will hopefully be seeing live on Friday (even if I don't, I love pretty much all their stuff). Have a good week!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Summer? Is that you?

So it was hot this weekend. HOT. I loved it. I even got my first sunburn...which isn't so great. But it's already faded and I made sure to restock on my sunblock so I avoid getting another one.

I went to Alameda, did some sunbathing, beach walking, and sangria drinking. It was definitely a good time.

So I feel like everyone has a favorite season, and I have to say mine is summer. Which is odd, even to me, because I don't like being hot... like I really hate it? One thing about Davis I really do miss is that central A/C. Oh well.

But I still really do love summer; I love lounging at the beach or the pool, going out at night without a jacket, the smell of wed grass and hot pavement, wearing shorts or sundresses and sandals everyday, just everything. I also think summer is the time for so many fun things: the county fair, baseball games, hikes, beach trips, outdoor concerts, the Fourth of July, camping...

I think I like summer because it, even though it starts halfway through the year, feels like it has so much more potential, like it's the beginning of something great. My last few summers have actually been really fun, so I hope the streak continues this year (despite the fact I'm now a "real" adult with a "real" job).

I may sound like a total cliche with all this stuff, but I guess that's just how I feel right now. My brain also might be slightly fried from work and not enough coffee...but you get the idea.

Are you excited about summer?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What's Happening?

image via
Nothing here. Seriously...nothing. Just working and hanging out with friends and family.

I've tried to think of something interesting to write about for this here bloggy blog, but I'm coming up blank folks.

Hmmm... what can I talk about? Oh I cooked! Two nights in a row! I made this on Monday and this last night. Both were insanely delicious. Although now I have WAY TOO MUCH mac and cheese at my house. Do you want some mac and cheese?

Last Friday I went to Friday Night at the De Young Museum, which was so cool! Apparently it was opening night, and there was an awesome band and a bar, plus we could wander around parts of the museum for free. Definitely something that I will be doing regularly this summer.

Otherwise, most of the exciting things I have planned won't be happening for a while...the closest is this Black Keys concert in May, which is pretty exciting, but not for another 3 weeks.

Ooh, I have tickets to Outsidelands, which is this big, 3-day concert in San Francisco, but that's not until August.

I'm going to Hawaii! But...not until October.

I'm aware all those things sounded like bragging...which they kinda are...but I'm still excited. Until then, nothing's really going on. Maybe there will be some poolside lounging this weekend, a pedicure (so needed), helping Miranda find a dress for a gala event. Maybe I might even take some pictures. Maybe even blog about it. Who knows? I know you're excited.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I think I have a problem...

So I really like Forever 21. REALLY like it. Maybe even love it. I don't make a lot of money, and Forever 21 allows me to try out trends and styles that are different than my usual stuff for way less $$$ than a lot of other stores. And since I discovered that their website is WAY easier to navigate than trying to shop in their physical store (although the one at my mall isn't so bad) free shipping over $50, you can return via mail for actual $$ back or to the store for credit. Basically it's the best thing ever. 

Anyhoo, here are some things I bought that I love:
Textured Striped Skirt
Denim Shirt
Fitted Skinny Jean and Detailed Lace Dress
Basically, you should shop there, cause it's just way to easy to get some fun, cute clothes for basically nothing (so who cares if they don't last? I mean, $15 for some skinnies? Gotta love it)

Happy shopping!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Closet Clean Out

 I need to get rid of some stuff dudes. So I am. I posted everything here, and I just want to get rid of it. Swap or for free (except shipping). Take it! I have too much stuff!!

Please email me at clay.elaine{at}gmail{dot}com with questions or of you want something.

PS: I might have more shoes soon!