Wednesday, March 30, 2011

And it was kind of an awesome day!

Remember when I said that today was shaping up to be a pretty good day? Turned out it kinda was.

First, I got the new Britney Spears CD, and it's kinda awesome, especially for car dancing on the way to Sacramento. I am obsessed with this song:
I think I've listened to it like 20 times and each time I have to do some silly dancing, because that is what you do when you listen to Britney Spears songs, am I right?

But it's a pretty good album, as long as you know what to's for dancing and rocking out to, not some form of deep artistic expression.

Then I bought the shoes of my dreams. Well, not really, because these are actually the shoes of my dreams. Oh and these. But I am really excited about the shoes I got today. This is them:
Aren't they lovely? I got them at the Target and I think they are the perfect wedges for summer because they aren't too tall and they'll go with everything. So, while they aren't the true shoes of my dreams, they are the shoes of my current dreams and I am very excited to wear them.

Oh and today was almost 90 degrees! It's like we skipped spring and went right to summer. But I love it. And tomorrow is supposed to be hotter, so I will be sunbathing. I'm seriously so excited that I just want it to be tomorrow.

My days have been so good lately, and I think part of it has to do with not being in school. There is just so much less stress right now and I am truly savoring being able to do what I want to do watch lots of procedural crime dramas and painting my toenails. Because those things are very important and I need to make sure they get done!

So life is good.

Adventures in grocery shopping and some other stuff for a Wednesday

Today I finally went grocery shopping. I'm pretty sure I had absolutely nothing to eat. No milk, no bread, no eggs, no fruits, no veggies, no meat. Nothing but condiments and crumbled feta cheese (whis is kind of like a condiment?). It was kind of depressing. 

But this morning I finally had the money (thanks Dad!) to go to the grocery store, so I went to one of my favorite places: Trader Joe's. Should I talk about how much a love Trader Joe's? Because it truly is like heaven to me. I really love grocery shopping anyway, but getting to go to Trader Joe's makes it so much better. Something about the way the whole store is laid out, the cute packaging of everything, the friendly staff...oh I just love it. Few things excite me the way a trip to Trader Joe's does. Not to mention is is cheap. I got tons of groceries for only $75! And I'm totally stocked up for a while now.
Look at all that deliciousness!
I also got to work out today! Finally! And it was amazing...all my muscles are all twitchy and I'm pretty sure I'll be mighty sore tomorrow. I did weights and I haven't done those since before finals, but it felt so good. I'm really excited to be getting back into my fitness regime because it just makes me feel really good to start everyday with a good workout, like it makes me better prepared for what's ahead or something. Probably something to do with all those endorphins.

So far, today is shaping up to be a great day. How is your day so far? Now, I'm off to have lunch with Miranda in Sacramento and then to work!

P.S. Spring has finally, really, truly, come to Davis! It's warm, sunny, a little breezy and basically amazing. I am so excited to get outside and just savor this beautiful weather before the crazy heat sets in...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Weekend Report

This weekend, I packed up my kitten, grabbed the laundry, and got into my sadly dented little Corolla and made the two and a half hour drive down to Watsonville to spend some quality time with my mama.

My mama is quite an awesome lady and I do believe she takes very good care of me every time I make the trek down here for a visit.

For example, my brakes have been acting all wonky and that just isn't very safe. But being a poor (former!) college student, I definitely do not have the funds to even have them looked at. I was just going to kind of avoid the situation, cause it wasn't really that bad, you know, you've been there right? But what does my mama do instead? She takes Rolly (my Corolla) to to the fancy dealership and then makes sure they whip my breaks into perfect condition. Now I won't die on the drive home! Yay!

We (me, mama, and stepdad) also did some eating at Caruso's in Capitola and some cocktailing  at the Seascape Resort bar in Aptos and the Green Valley Grill in Watsonville. And of course they always know the bartenders and half the customers, especially at the Green Valley Grill, because that's how they roll.
Cheers! (Irish coffees and a cosmopolitan)
Since my mother passed along her shopping problem to me (I swear this is a genetic disease!), we of course did a little shopping. And I got some cute dresses (!) and this sweet purse:
Apparently this is a nearly $300 mom paid about $60. DEAL!
Also, I discovered this new shopping (!) website, Gilt Groupe. I am obsessed. I think this will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Thank you, Bleubird Vintage for introducing us.

Now it's back to Davis tomorrow morning and back to work! But no school! YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

"Second star to the right, and straight on til morning!"

I watched Hook yesterday at work. And how awesome is that movie?

Every time I watch it I just want to go to Neverland and become a lost boy, well girl, if you're going to be politically correct about it. Can girls become lost boys? Are they then called lost girls? Cause that sounds kind of depressing. I'd rather just be called a lost boy.


Neverland just seems like so much fun, minus the whole Captain Hook thing, but he is defeated at the end of Hook, so if I went now I wouldn't have to worry about him. But just getting to play and be a kid forever sounds, like, way awesome. I really think we should figure out a way to get there...maybe if get my hands on some fairy dust I could make it happen. I'm open to ideas here, people!

Also, Hook has one awesome insult scene:

And two of the greatest phrases ever:



I think the reason I love the story of Peter Pan so much, and all of its various spinoffs and reincarnations,  is because it encourages everyone, not just children but adults too, to have imaginations. I have always had a vivid imagination and my favorite game as a kid was to play pretend, either with friends or by myself. And I would totally still play if it wasn't an indicator of insanity in someone my age. I just think I am constantly craving adventure, and have been my whole life, whether it's real or imaginary. Plus, I think I have to agree with the story of Peter Pan in that keeping your imagination alive and thriving is the key to staying young and happy. Appreciating everything in life that is magical and adventurous everyday. 

If you're interested in another reincarnation of the story of Peter Pan, check out this YA series by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson called Peter and the Starcatchers. I read it a few years ago and completely loved, loved, loved it. I highly recommend it to everyone because it was just one of those books that I felt better about life after I read it, I'm not really sure how to explain it, but it just made me happy!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

So this will probably happen a lot.....some randomness for Thursday

I was sitting on my couch today, trying to think of something interesting to blog about, watching a not very uninteresting episode of Law and Order: Criminal Intent. And I was coming up with nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

What's the point of having a blog when I can't think of anything to write?

Maybe I shouldn't try to force it, because then maybe it won't be so natural and then it won't be I making any sense here people?

Right now things are kind of mellow, I'm in Davis working for the week, then going to visit my mom for the weekend. So there's not even really anything to report, other than that it is really rainy and I don't like it one bit. I'm ready for SPRING! Like now would be great. 

So, with that I leave you with some random thoughts on this rainy Thursday morning:

Why does my cat feel the need to sit on my computer keyboard? Is it warm or something? I mean I've had to kick her off like three times while writing this. What's up with that?

When will people stop giving a crap about Charlie Sheen? I don't think I ever cared.

Will I ever find the motivation to go to the gym again?Cause this weather is really not helping.

Does someone want to get me some coffee? I could really use some.

Will I ever find something interesting to write about?

With that, I leave you with this video of my retarded, but cute, kitten, for your viewing pleasure.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The new Monday

Today was a good, nay a great day. Maybe even a little fabulous.
Hot hot hot pink, just in time for spring!

Today I woke up at the leisurely hour of 10am. There was no alarm, no getting up early to do homework before school, no responsibility. Nice. After a relaxing morning spent watching What Not to Wear and drinking hazelnut flavored coffee (the best kind, by the way), I put on some makeup and a cute outfit (skinny jeans, flats, and a green graphic tee) and hopped in my car to go wander the aisles of Target. Should I talk about how enjoyable it was to get ready this morning? Because it truly was. I pretty much never wear make up because usually I'm going to school and I have to walk or ride my bike, so by the time I get there I am all hot and all the hard work is ruined. Or I just don't have time. Not today. Today I made sure I felt pretty, and I do believe it worked, because I felt pretty pretty all day.

Anyway, I wandered around the Target, looking at everything (really I just looked at the shoes and dresses) and then I bought some moisturizer and that awesome hot pink nail polish you see up above, to get me in the mood for spring. After that, off to Sasha's for some hangout time!

We had lunch at Cafe del Soul in Mill Valley, which was so incredibly delicious. I totally forgot about it and how delicious it is...really you should go. Also super healthy. And they have Synergy Kombucha there, in the Guava Goddess flavor, which is my absolute favorite.

Once lunch was completed we went to Northgate, shopped at little at H&M (I got a pink skirt there. I think today should be considered a pink themed day), and saw Rango, which was so good! It was such a great day and I'm really happy I got to hang out with Sasha, cause she's kinda awesome.

So yes, I do believe today was fabulous because it was so simple. I'm starting to really appreciate days like today, where nothing out of the ordinary happens, and that is exactly what makes it so wonderful. Although, I'm still up for adventure, just not all the time.

There you have it. Was your day fabulous as well?

P.S. I started a new book, Babel Tower by A.S. Byatt, so hopefully I'll have a book review soon!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A little spring in my step

 Hi spring. It's so nice to see you again. I really missed you.

 Yesterday was very gloomy and rainy, and last night was incredibly stormy. Today there are still some clouds, but the sun has poked through and stayed for a few hours. I like to think he stayed for me, to congratulate me. It made me smile and made my day that much better.

My brain melted or I can't think of an interesting post title...PS I'M FINISHED!

It's over. Done. C'est fini. A very nice feeling, if I do say so myself. I wanted to write something witty and interesting, but honestly my brain doesn't seem to be working properly. I think I might have caused it to short circuit or something.

Right now, I'm at my dad's house, curled up on the couch watching Sex and the City. I booked it here yesterday evening after my final, which wasn't over until 5! Ridiculous. After a sushi feast with the padre at Taki, I spent the night hanging out with friends Jenny and Sasha, taking about all kinds of random stuff. I love it. BTW, check out Jenny's new blog she started, Cooking For The Twentysomething Girl, it's wonderful!

I could write about how excited and relieved I am too be done, but honestly I don't know how to quite articulate it all. It's going to be strange next Monday when everyone, including my roommate, goes back for spring quarter and I don't. I get to do what I want, like go to the gym and lay out by the pool or read a book or watch a movie. And I don't have to feel guilty about being distracted from homework, because I won't have any! So weird. I know I'm not the first person to feel this way, I mean thousands of people graduate from college every year, but it's still a strange feeling. And I like it. I can't wait for what happens next!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I desperately needed coffee this morning, you can see. And I was very grateful to get it. So delicious.

Remember when I said there would be a real post this week? Yeah, not so much. Turns out, not matter how tired I am, something in my brain does not let me sleep...last night I ended up staying up late reading Mary Wollstoncroft's Vindication of the Rights of Woman. What the what? Yeah, apparently I like reading late 18th century treatises on women's rights. Go figure. Then I was just reading a bunch of poems by Samuel Taylor Coleridge for a while. THEN I finally fell asleep around 1:30. And got up at 6am. Ugh. I should mention that both of these were for my Romantic literature final that I have on Saturday, so it was good that I actually started to like the material and understand it more, but I would have REALLY enjoyed a good night's sleep, seeing as I haven't had one this week and probably won't until after finals are over. Sigh.

So, until finals are over, I must forbid myself from blogging because this girl really needs to study. Au revoir!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wherein I talk about dresses and sleep deprivation

Soooooo.....last night when I got off work at 9:30, instead of coming home and being responsible and doing at least an hour's worth of studying for my final on Wednesday, I decided to go online window shopping for dresses.  Because it is almost spring, which means warm weather, which means I don't have to wear jeans all the freakin' time. I have a love/hate relationship with jeans, and for awhile it has been hate because most of my jeans are too big. Thus they fall and then I am constantly paranoid about my underwear showing. Bad new bears, man. But I love dresses. Love them. And I really think I need more day dresses, because so many of mine are too fancy for normal, everyday clothing, and I would wear them everyday once the weather gets warm (I'm trying to justify wanting so many, please bear with me).

Anyhoo...I spent a good hour and a half looking at about every dress at shabbyapple and PiperLime and well, that just not a smart thing for this girl to do before she goes to sleep. After looking at all the pretty dresses, I turned off my computer, switched off the light and got all cuddled up in bed with the kitten. But did I sleep? No sir I did not. After having spent at all that time staring at dresses,  I thought about which one(s) I might actually be able to buy, then if I did, which shoes and accessories I would wear with them. And for what occasion. Then my mind starts going on all the things I can't wait to do after Saturday. Then I started thinking about all the things I have to this week so that I'm prepared for my finals. Then I started getting a little stressed out and then I was just tossing and turning. Until 3 a.m. No bueno. So I'm really sleepy, hence the rambly and strange nature of this post. Sorry. I really need some coffee.

So after all this what have we learned? Mallory should not look at dresses before bed because that just leads to hours of non-sleep, which is very important at this juncture in her life because she has finals, damnit!

A real post later this week. Hopefully I won't be so sleep deprived. Hopefully.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Procrastination and I'm a winner

I should really be working on my English essay. And my history final. Well, I am. Kind of. In that I write for a little while, and then I take a little break to obsessively check Facebook, Twitter, all the blogs I read. Then I write a little more. English essay is almost done, which will be a relief. The goal is to finish it in the next few hours, then devote the rest of the weekend to the history final and editing everything. Did I mention both are due Monday? Then I get to take finals! Whoopee! (Can you detect my sarcasm?)

But it will all be over soon, and I'm getting really excited. Like, sometimes I get so excited I can't really breathe or even believe that I am actually going to be done. Done. DONE. I feel like I've been in school forever so the though of being done, really done and not just for a summer or winter break is hard to comprehend. Of course, grad school will probably happen...eventually...not for a while, because this girl NEEDS some time off from the stress of paper writing, lecture note taking, and exams. I hate exams. Ew. 

Anyway, this is the end of my procrastination post. I need to get back to work. Really, I promise I'm going to get this shiz done so I can move on to more exam prep (yay!).
For now, lets drool over these really amazing dresses that I want but cannot afford and have absolutely no need for.
Dress: Enza Costa                 
Dress: Haute Hippie
Images viaShopBop

Friday, March 11, 2011

Bagel adventures and some froyo, yo!

I, along with my friend Alexandra, have been conducting bagel experiments several times a week during my brief break between classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Today was, of course, no exception. So after our history class, Alex and I trekked off campus, through downtown Davis to the yummy Posh Bagel. And it was d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!
My bagel: pesto with butter, tomato, onion and cucumber...basically a food-gasm
Alex's bagel: sourdough with butter and cinnamon sugar. She also got a mini cheese bagel with mustard. YUM! 

We have tried many a bagel over the course of the quarter, such as: blueberry with peanut butter, asiago with cream cheese and lox (YUM), pesto with just butter (YUM), chocolate chip with peanut butter, jalapeno with jalapeno cream cheese, and so many more I can't even remember them all. This Monday will be our last day of classes, so our last day of bagel experiments, which is sad. But really it just means that I need to think of one epic bagel so I can go out with a BANG.

Anyway, after bagels we decided to get some froyo at Cultive, yo. It was 11:30 in the morning, but man, I needed that froyo.
Cinnamon bun and cupcake flavored froyo with fruity pebble and cocoa pebbles. Yeah, I know I pick awesome flavors
 And it was, so good. 

Tonight I'm off to Sacramento to visit my cuz, Miranda, and we are gonna go eat even more yummy food thanks to a gift certificate I have to this fantastic restaurant, Chops, and I'm excited. They have calamari. And mini sliders. And delicious fancy cocktails. So expect some pics posted tomorrow (taken with my new fav Instagram. I'm a little obsessed with it, can you tell) of all the deliciousness we experience.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Something I love: FOOD

I'm really into food, and some days I actually get to make things instead of resorting to frozen dinners from Trader Joe's (which I love). An sometimes I get excited (only a little) when I make something and then I get to sit down and eat it. Silly, but it's one of the little things I take pleasure in amongst all the stress in my life right now.
I know, I know, I didn't "make" the last two things, but opening and eating them made my day sooooo much better. How awesome are Girl Scout cookies? Don't they just put a smile on your face, just thinking about their deliciousness?

Look two postings in one day! (AKA I am amazing)

I want these shoes and I want them now
So yeah, the blog is now called "A Sparkly Life." Laugh all you want, but I kinda likes it. Cause I think everything is better when sparkly or glittery (both literally and metaphorically), ya know?
See? Isn't some stuff just soooo much better when sparkly? I will post a few times before this quarter is over, especially when I feel the urge to procrastinate, but things will start in earnest AFTER finals. Which for me end on a Saturday. At 5:30pm. Whose messed up mind decided to put finals on a SATURDAY AFTERNOON? Right before spring break? Well, for me I'm actually graduating, but whatevs, it's still LAME.

Some things I'm looking forward to that will make my life post-grad a little more sparkly:
  • watching movies on Netflix and not feeling guilty about homework I should be doing
  • getting to read books, FOR FUN
  • having a social life
  • not having to ride the worst bike every to school everyday
  • eating normally
  • no more sitting in overheated lecture halls
  • sleeping again
Yeah, I'm pretty excited. Soon, so so soon!

New and Improved (Kinda)

So I've been a very bad blogger...not updating in nearly four months. How irresponsible of me! 

I've decided I want to get back into blogging, and I will, I promise. I just have to wait until the end of this quarter (March 19th), and then I will actually have the time to write down all my random thoughts that go through my head on a daily basis. 

But until then, I decided to redo the blog and make it not only about books, but everything going on, yo. I gave the blog a new name, but I'm still not sure if I like it, so that might change as time goes on...I hope anyone and everyone who reads (if anyone actually does) enjoys!

Peace out!