Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So I won't have any new updates of books or anything related to books for a few days...it's finals week. Ugh. I only have two exams: history and French, but I have this huge paper for medieval art history to write that's due Friday by 5pm. I don't wanna write it. Mainly because I don't particularly like medieval art history. All the art is basically the same: same subject matter (religious decoration for churches mostly), same reasoning behind the subject matter. There isn't as much to say about it, unlike modern or postmodern art, which I can talk for HOURS about. Love it. LOVE IT. Medieval...not so much. So I'm going to sequester myself in my room for the next three days, only emerging for food and to use the bathroom, to write this goddamn paper. I'm gonna write the sh-t out of, too. Watch.

Just for kicks: Since today is all about the edumacation, go read one of these fabulous history books. Do it.
  1. Sex with Kings- Eleanor Herman
  2. Sex with the Queen- Eleanor Herman
  3. Brunelleschi's Dome- Ross King
  4. Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling- Ross King
  5. Queen of Fashion- Caroline Weber
  6. The Philosophy of Andy Warhol- Andy Warhol

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